0800 HRtoolkit

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Managing the festive season

This session will be about some of the practical things you need to do (notice of shutdown etc) and managing some of the inveitable festive season issues… Staff party arguments, hangovers, checking out early, or managing the rush…

No jab no job discussion forum

As a business owner, you have a legal obligation to: Provide a safe working environment Act in good faith in the best interests of your company Irrespective of which side of the vaccination argument you sit, as a business owner you actually need to put those views aside and ensure that you are fulfilling your […]

Exit Interviews

Usually we know why someone has left, particularly in small businesses. However, the exit interview can be a very enlightening source of information. So, when can/should you do an exit interview, and how do you go about doing it?

Assessing Culture Fit

Sometimes the face simply doesn’t fit. They do the tasks fine, but just don’t gel with the team. But this can be very difficult to assess and explain to someone who isn’t fitting in. This session I’ll be talking about how to identify the cultural fit needed in your business, how to assess this at […]

Restructure and Redundancy

As with the disciplinary process, there is a pretty simple process you need to follow if going into a restructuring and/or redundancy process. However, it is the most letigious point of employment law and therefore you need to ensure that you do it right.

Non-Traditional Recruitment Methods

The “traditional” submit your CV and come for an interview does not work for all roles. Particularly those with people who don’t do well in interviews and/or don’t present a good CV. But how else do you recruit people? I’ll be talking about practical interviews, assessment centres (not as complicated as it sounds) and other […]

Disciplinary Process

Disciplining staff is a relatively straight forward process (I promise it is!). However, you do have to follow the process correctly. This session will be a practical discussion about the process and how to get it right

Performance Improvement Plans

I have yet to find anyone who is coming to work intending to do a bad job, that is hard work! But people do the wrong things either because they don’t know better or they can get away with it. Performance Improvement plans (PIP’s) are a great way to give solid and consistent feedback to […]