$399.00 + GST / year
Every employee in New Zealand must have a written employment agreement. The contract must be negotiated in good faith and be signed before your candidate starts work. It doesn’t matter if you employ one person or 100, the same laws apply.
You have a legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment, and with a few extra steps you can secure the well being of your entire organisation.
Clear company policies that ensure all your team understand your terms for everyday work life – from applying for annual leave to respect in the workplace.
Attracting the right talent and getting them on board is crucial to any business. We have all the paperwork you need for the recruitment, selection and engagement of your employees.
A productive and engaged employee will work smarter and harder. As little as 10 minutes of extra effort a day is 40 hours a year, or 2% of your annual payroll spend.
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