Employment Contracts

No Jab, No Job!

Types of Employment Engagement

Flexible Working Contracts

Non-Fiscal Benefit Options

Common Pitfalls

The Hidden theft

Contractors V’s Employees

Leave and Policies

Managing Sick Leave

Flexible Working Arrangements

Exit Interviews

Is Chat GPT the answer to your staffing problems

Medical incapacity terminations

Recruitment and Induction

Recruitment: Maximise your chance for success

Induction: Making the right first impression

Recruitment: Non-Traditional Recruitment Methods

Assessing Cultural Fit


Restructuring and redundancy

Personal Grievances

Assessing your business

Staff Performance

Successful Performance Reviews

Setting KPI’s to truly drive your business

Courageous Conversations

Employee Bonus Schemes

Minimum Wage Increase

Performance Improvement plans

Disciplinary Process

Personal Grievances

Assessing Cultural Fit

Investigation V’d disciplinary meetings

What is a fair and reasonable decision

The Hidden theft