Lisa and Max Open Forum

Lisa will be joined by Max Whitehead of the Whitehead group for a discussion on what is happening with employment law, and case law.

Managing Sick Leave Abuse

Skivitis/sick leave abuse can have a hugely detrimental impact on the team. Extra pressure on those who have to cover the absence at short notice; infection of others who see […]

Is ChatGPT the Answer to your Staffing Issues?

Lisa will be joined by Sarah Ritchie of Journey Digital for a Q&A session about what is ChatGPT, and what are the opportunities for your business. Chat GPT, and other […]

Medical Incapacity Terminations

For a whole host of reasons, sometimes an employee will no longer be able to do their job due to health reasons for a significant period of time. However you […]

What is a Fair and Reasonable Decision

A lot of employment law is governed by parties being "fair and reasonable", but what does this mean? There is no hard and fast definition of a "fair and reasonable […]

The “Hidden” Theft

If someone took $20 out of the till without intending to return it, you would call it theft. But if someone adds an extra hour to their timesheet, or adds […]

Contractor V’s Employee

When is a "contractor" actually an employee? The courts have Tests of Justification that they use to assess the status of an individual, and, I could just about say I […]

Keeping up Morale

As I write this in October 22 I am ever hopeful that, by November 23, inflation will be down, Putin will have been controlled, and the UK will have a […]

Trial Periods V’s Probation periods

What is the difference, and when should I use which, or should I use both? With trial periods now open for employers of any size, what does this mean in […]

Which employment contract should I use?

Fixed-term, Full-time, part-time, casual, remote workers, lower guaranteed hours agreements….there are so many, but which one should I use?