Sick leave abuse

by | Oct 18, 2016 | Leave & Policies

With Halloween and the Christmas party season fast upon us, we thought a review of sick leave policy might be in order.

Unfortunately there are a few people who abuse sick leave. From the classic Monday-morning-sickie (which has more to do with partying than illness) to just not being bothered to get out of bed. But let’s be clear, although a hangover may make you feel like you’re dying – it isn’t genuine sick leave.

Sick leave abuse is an important issue in all businesses, and the obvious salary cost should not be your most important concern. Your staff will be very aware that one of their colleagues is chucking a sickie. If your team see someone getting paid days off without consequence, they are more likely to lower their productivity. Your team will stop working hard to cover for their colleague who is abusing the system, and will start taking those extra paid days off themselves.

Download our quick guide to managing sick leave and let HRtoolkit help you effectively manage your team.

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